Warts in Oxnard

Warts are a common skin infection that typically only affects the surface of the skin. However, sometimes they can be surprisingly stubborn and difficult to treat.

The most effective method of treatment for most warts is liquid nitrogen destruction.

Treatment Philosophy

Warts are a common skin infection that typically only affects the surface of the skin. However, sometimes they can be surprisingly stubborn and difficult to treat.

We have successfully treated patients that have had warts for 20 years. However, sometimes up to a year of treatment is required. For additional information on warts, please visit the AAD.

Liquid Nitrogen

The most effective method of treatment for most warts is liquid nitrogen destruction. We use a canister with compressed liquid nitrogen and spray the wart. The freezing and thawing of the tissue in and around the affected skin causes a small scab or blister to form. This lifts a layer of wart-infected tissue off the skin. Sometimes, the wart is debrided before the liquid nitrogen is applied to allow a deeper penetration of the liquid nitrogen into the skin. Depending on the size and depth of the wart, multiple treatments may be required.

Alternative Methods of Treatment

Alternative methods of treatment may include cantharidin, imiquimod, 5-fluorouracil, bleomycin, electrodessication, and laser treatment.

Salicylic Acid

At home use of 40% Salicylic Acid pads, can help thin out the warts between office visit treatments.